Whether writing an interesting blog post is a challenging task that reflects our way of working, leaving comments on the posts shows how we interact with others as well as…our way of fitting in with the world.
Today, I’d like to mention some practices halfway between common sense, good manners and pure strategy for the benefit of our blog, that it is necessary to put into practice both when commenting and when approving/making room for comments.
Let’s start with the argumentative tones:
Needless for me to say anything about haters, because it’s a category and a neologism I do not acknowledge. I call them sour grapes sufferers/people who have got nothing better to do/real gossips with a slightly newer tool in their hands (though increasingly less powerful) compared to the town square.
There’s a somewhat lower level than those defined as haters within the scale of useless controversy, namely people who are contentious by nature.
Let’s assume that, both on blogs and in everyday life, if our words do not contribute to the discussion in a useful way, we can keep them to ourselves. And I’ve got nothing else to add about this subject.
The Dynamics of Reciprocity
Not everyone knows that, when choosing the blog to comment on, several dynamics of reciprocity can step in.
I find it nice for the blog administrator to spend a minute of his/her time, every once in a while, reading and commenting on the texts of a blogger who often leaves comments and interacts on the blog.
Of course, if the blog of the person who leaves a comment is not authoritative, returning a comment won’t be useful (not even harmful though) for our domain authority. Yet, remember that the success of a digital professional does not only depend on the algorithms of the network, but also on public relations and the image you provide of yourself.
To sum up, the less you show off, the more people will be glad to deal with you. You will establish better relations over the net and it will be easier for you to build up a true and long-lasting reputation.
Participating in threads
Not everyone is aware that there exist some “guided” methods of reciprocity in comments, carried out by some groups of bloggers who share their posts on a platform (Facebook, Twitter, Telegram etc.) just to comment and to receive comments in return.
I find this is a very interesting way to increase my knowledge of the topics I know nothing about, a great opportunity to know other badass bloggers… besides having the chance to make myself known (I don’t just read travel blogs, just like a writer of detective stories who doesn’t only read similar texts).
Write detailed comments beyond the simple “Wow, nice article”. Besides being annoying, this kind of comments actually borders on spam.
The more your comments on other blog posts is interesting, detailed and written in a very personal way, the more other professional bloggers will remember you.
This is an amazing business, in the end, where the more you give, the more you get!
Bringing grist to your mill is OK only if you don’t try to divert the river flow.
Let me give you an explanation of this metaphor, as if Coelho was just an amateur in comparison!
We know (don’t we?) that providing comments to the posts of authoritative blogs can increase the domain authority of your blog.
To start with, logging with your name and URL and writing a detailed and longer sentence under an authoritative post are two things that help increase your authority hence your Google position and therefore your traffic… is it absolutely necessary for you to also advertise your blog in the comment?
In case you can’t help it, do it politely, in order to actually add something to the blog post you’re commenting on.
Example: some of my posts do have a quite good domain authority. Let’s take my first post about Sofia. If you leave a comment to MY post, feel free to add at the end:
“Speaking of this, I have also written something about Sofia; if you feel like reading it, click on this link. I would really appreciate your comment”.
I would definitely and willingly leave a comment on the mentioned post, even just because of the kind words used or to praise the diplomacy.
Whereas, if you just write (as someone has done) “If you would like to know what to see in Sofia, have a look at this wonderful video of mine”…how can you expect me to approve your comment and avoid it ending up in the spam folder? I mean, you’re reading my post, which I suppose you found among the first Google search results, and then you ask me and my readers to leave my page to go see your video?
Let’s take another metaphor, as I feel particularly inspired today.
It’s basically as if I rang the bell of a house where they’re having a party and told the owner:
“Hi, if you want you can join the party I’m giving at my place right now. Can I tell your guests?”.
Come on, it’s not that hard to understand what is appropriate and what definitely is not.
Read also
“How to write comments that can benefit your blog”
But keep in mind that the river can feed all mills…
Let’s get back to the party metaphor: if someone rang my doorbell and asked “can I join the party? I’d really like to”, I’d say yes.
If, at the end of the party, this person told me “If you like, I’m throwing a party next week and I would really appreciate if you came by”, I would certainly attend the party and I would also tell other people about it.
So, as you receive a comment with backlink to another blog, learn to understand if the comment is deliberately made to promote another website (to your disadvantage) or if, end of the day, it’s just a polite attempt to ask you to read it first.
If people prove they have read my post in a comment, saying it was useful and that it would be great if I read one of their posts, I would personally be more than happy to leave the link to the blog and I definitely wouldn’t remove it nor move it to the spam folder.
Help people leave comments on your blog
This is an advice I give all bloggers or wannabe ones: arrange things in order to make it easy to leave comments, don’t choose the comments plug-in based on what is easier for you to manage but rather on what is the easiest for your readers to use.
The comments module must be clear and visible, easy to register in and people don’t have to look for it with a magnifying glass.
Is there anything you would add to this small guide about the etiquette of blog comments? Go on, unleash your thoughts!
Dr. K. Lee Banks
I certainly appreciate your post and the points you have made here.
Haters? Yes, it always irritates me when it seems some people have nothing better to do than leave nasty or critical comments, or offer services to help you “improve” your blog, when you never asked for any such advice.
RE: commenting … Yes, I have left some blogs, even if I enjoyed the posts, because of issues you have mentioned with trying to leave comments. My other pet peeves are the issue of having to create a profile or sign up or log in using some other means (like Facebook , Google, or Disqus) or complicated captchas. If you want comments, make it easy, like you have here. 🙂
I really didn’t know commenting on other blogs helps establish our own blogs, so thanks for explaining that. I do know about the blogging groups on Facebook, which is how I ended up here. 🙂
I like to read other blogs on topics of interest (blogging, social media, passive income) and very often leave a comment – as now :). In doing so, I often do not think about the impact it has on my blog.
I like what you wrote: “where the more you give, the more you get!”. I like to help my readers and to respond to every comment, as well as to provide quality comments on other sites. -
comments are king for helping a blogger! I love reading comments to see their views on certain things, it’s interesting while giving a blog a more community feel!
Jennifer Prince
I totally agree! Sometimes it’s so hard to find the comments section. And so many others have a bunch of ads on their site to distract from finding anything.
Elizabeth O
This is a really helpful post. I really enjoyed the tips on blog commenting, sometimes I find it really hard to leave a genuine comment on a blog if I don’t understand the subject or if they have a lot of pop-ups!
Monidipa Dutta
Questi sono davvero ottimi consigli. Trovo che questi davvero utili. Le seguenti etichette sono necessarie mentre si commenta un post sul blog. Grazie per la condivisione..!!!
melissa major
These are some great points. Commenting makes such a difference for me blogging. Thanks for sharing
This is a very helpful post. It would definitely help many new bloggers in getting comments on their blog posts.
Annemarie LeBlanc
I always make it a point to leave a comment in blog posts that I found interesting and enjoyed reading. When people leave a comment on my blog post, I also respond to it and thank them for visiting. Reader interaction is a great way to boost traffic and get regular readers too.
Nidhi Fouzdar
True .. I do agree. Well the idiom goes well with it what you give you get or what you sow you reap.
I need to be little more professional on this mark. -
Rhian Westbury
Some interesting ideas here. I agree that you should use a platform that makes it easier to interact with x
Jessica Martin
I think you did a great job writing about comment etiquette. I love blog groups and the comment threads. They are very useful in growing your blog and blog comments and they even teach you about etiquette, too. Your post is helpful for beginner bloggers.
Laura Dove
I love this and found it so helpful! Sometimes I struggle to know what to comment if I am unfamiliar with a subject. I also hate the blogs where I have to do a zillion math sums just to leave a comment! Make it easy folks!
I personally feel that you should have a really smooth commenting system on your blog. It helps boost the engagement . I always try to keep the comment section of my blog post as clean and easy as possible. Also I feel that a short but genuine comment is better than a long and non-related comment.