6 things about NYC you’ll find out with a sightseeing tour

Maybe they are too ‘touristic’. Maybe they are responsible of one third of New York traffic, but there are some interesting positive aspects in theseightseeing tour experience.

First of all, if you are in NYC for the first time, this can help you to have a general idea of the most interesting things to see more deeply and accurately (suggest you to make the tour with a notebook).

Secondly, in the bus they’ll tell you, in just one or two hours trip, some interesting anecdote that you’ll never (hardly ever) know in any other way, as a tourist. Unless you read my blog, for sure. So, let’s start with 6 interesting secrets of the Big Apple I discovered seeing the city from an elevated mean.


1- despite it was built in just 410 days, despite the fact that it’s the only building with its own zip code, regardless of the golden letters over the main entrance, the Empire State Building was almost unknown and neglected in the U.S. and all over the world until the movie King Kong was shot and shown.

2 – the ground floor of the Flat Iron hosts a permanent free art space.


3  – Soho has the world highest concentration of houses made in iron.

4- Broadway is the longest and oldest street of the U.S.

5 – the famed Manhattan skyline was made possible thanks to the Manhattan schist, a particularly strong rock. Manhattan is but a small island of 400 acres and the huge concentration of Skyscrapers, together with a long and complex underground system would have been impossible to make if the Manhattan bedrock layer had’t been so strong.  You can see and touch this rock in Central Park.  the whole city of New York is made up by 5 different kind of bedrock layers.


6 – Central Park is not the biggest Park in NYC! Corona Park, in Queens, is bigger. The Pelham Bay park, Bronx, is the biggest of all.



If you like small and interesting anecdote like I do, this trip is recommended.