4 places in NYC to survive… summer in NYC

I know the Big Apple in summertime. I’m glad I do.
There’s always something interesting, smart, new to do there.

But let’s face another uncomfortable truth: some NYC summer days can be like hell! Air conditioning is no solution… it’s the cause.

Exactly one year ago I wrote as facebook status “if NYC bars and shops rose by two degrees the internal temperature, the world climate would be saved. And me too”.

But as a matter of fact Manhattan and the whole big Apple can’t resist the charm of pretended glaciation inside just to face the fire of hell outside.

So if you are in NYC in July and August, you need some place to go in order to feel in a fresh and happy place…  so in order not to feel in New York.

Here we go with 4 solutions that were good for me.

1 – The Brooklin Botanic Garden.

The first place I want to recommend you is The Brooklin Botanic Garden. 
When I first went there I had no idea of what if was and how good I would feel there.

An incredibly wide collection of plant species from all over the world, handled and preserved in a suitable environment. The perfect place for walking, learning more about world vegetation, contemplation and enjoyment of freshness.

You can walk there for hours and sit in the fresh shadow of climbing plants shelters, reading a book.

As you can see by this short clip… I had a good time with water too.

Also #nyc was quite #hot.

Un video pubblicato da sabrina (@in_my_suitcase) in data:

2 – City green roofs

There is a wide range of relaxing and interesting activities that you can do… on the city’s rooftops where you can catch the ocean wind, generally blocked by the high skyscrapers, making NYC look like a owen.

For example, on the roof of Alvin Ailey’s overlooking the Lincoln Center and the Hudson River, you can do yoga sessions for $ 9 (alvinailey.com).


At sunset, you can sip a cocktail and appetizers for $ 15 on the very indie and colorful roof of the fourteenth floor of 299 Madison Ave building, which houses a greenhouse on the terrace where you can have a sip of green.

It’s even possible to lend a hand in one of the many public gardens on the roofs, like over the rooft opfarms, in 44 Eagle St.

3 – Washington Square Park

Going to Washington Square Park and listen to the live jazz music is an experience you’ll enjoy no matter what are the weather conditions out of this park.

I must tell you that everything looks possible here, where Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan had their street jam sessions before becoming the “Jimi Hendrix” and “Bob Dylan” we all know.

Just have a look of this crazy parade that I assisted to… I suppose those people were all living a “Back to childhood” experience.

Well, here you’ll enjoy your back to childhood too.

Happy #independenceday! #nyc,

Un video pubblicato da sabrina (@in_my_suitcase) in ffdata:

4 – Parks – not limited to Central Park

I know it’s the most cinematographic park, I know it is a part of our personal history even before we first visit it. But Central Park is far from being the best park in NYC. It’s not even the biggest, since Corona Park, in Queens, is bigger. The Pelham Bay park, Bronx, is the biggest of all, as I learned in a sightseeing tour, along with many other interesting New York City  Facts. 

Choose one of them and read or play with your mobile on the grass!
In summer there’s plenty of open air concerts and events!

Do you have any other tip or place to go, in NCY in hot summer days? 


  • Alice

    City Green Roofs is amazing! Vert homey

  • Mélina

    Greaaat! Thank you I’m going to NY this summer so this will save my life :p

  • Dreammerin

    Central Park is always a great idea! I dream to visit this place this year! Yeah! 😉 I’ve heard a lot of great things about New York!

  • Drew

    Heading to a park is a perfect way to survive the summer. I also love Bryant Park, especially for movie night. I used to be in a softball league that played in Central Park, and I never got tired of heading there on a beautiful sunny day.

  • Ana De- Jesus

    I am a huge fan of Botanic gardens so that would definitely be on my list. I have always wanted to go to NYC.

  • Toni | 2 Aussie Travellers

    Parks and gardens are always our first pick to escape the heat. Usually you can find a little breeze and shade to make it bearable. I’m not a bit fan of the arctic air conditioning that so many stores, restaurants and hotels adopt – it just makes it harder for me to adjust when I go out again

  • Grey World Nomads

    Green spaces like roof tops and parks are so important in Cities. I can’t imagine summer at the moment as it’s crabby in Scotland for weeks now! Heat, where are you?!

  • anto

    I’d love to have hung out in Central Park in the summer. Unfortunately, we were there in winter when it was extremely cold (no snow though) and it was not as charming as we thought it would be, since we could see right through it from one side of the other as there were no leaves on the trees. If we ever make it back to NYC, heading over in summer would definitely be our choice!

  • mark and kate

    I’ve heard lots of great things about New York. The Botanic Garden, in particular, was highly praised by some of my acquaintances. That City Green Roof, however, would most likely be my fave spot if I happen to be visit New York.

  • Paula McInerney

    I always read that NYC is a hell hole in summer. We have visited in November and December to deliberately avoid this heat. However I love the idea of music, and outdoor fun in summer. i could be easily tempted. Love New York.

  • Curious Claire

    These are great tips. I love NYC and really want to go back and explore it more. I’ll have to make sure to check out the botanic garden and city green roof

  • João Leitão

    Amazing city! I lived in NYC during one year back in 2000-2001. Washington Square Park was one of my favorite places. Great article about such a lovely place. Greetings from Ouarzazate – south Morocco.


    Ive never been to the Big Apple but have aaaalways wanted to. Hopefully in the near future! Great reading up on all of these places. Thanks!

  • Lily

    City green roof looks absolutely amazing. Will definitely take a look when I’m next there. Botanical gardens are great in summertime too.

  • Tiina A

    Been to NYC in hot summer days too! It can be really hot there yet lots of things to do. That botanical garden looks great especially as I’m a big fan of those. And rooftops are a fantastic idea to visit and have a cooling drink up there. Two years ago I was in NYC with my mom and one day we just sat in the shadows in Washington Park and watch people walking by, playing and enjoying there – great place when you don’t feel like walking any more.

  • Lubka Henry

    City green roofs are my favourite for the evenings, and parks for the day, obviously. Lovely post 🙂

  • Nina Alexander

    Never been to NY and plan on visiting it soon, but I will surely avoid July and August 🙂 Wonderful ideas to avoid the heat if I end up there during these months though – thank you!

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