One of the main manifestations of my personal MAD (Missing Anywhere Disease) is longing to go to London in Autumn, Again.
I did it 3 times. Never enough.
I’ll tell you why:
– For an Italian woman (South Italy), it’s easier to accept some slight rain in October. Mainly if in London.
Come on, the rain in London makes sense!
– It’s the very first time I can wear the sweaters I’ve bought on sale one month ago, and in my city I’ll have to wait until December to put it on.
– London Restaurant Festival. From 8 to 27th of October. Kind of a huge celebration of eating out, eating well, eating exotic, veg and traditional.
– Halloween @ Theater.
If you are an Halloween fan, over than joining one of the private or pub(lic) scary party, why don’t you choose the theather? They are definitely 2 very londony experiences. The Arts Theatre proposes the scary show directed by Jeremy Dyson and Andy Nyman Ghost Stories.
Some other random good reasons:
dry leaves, the National gallery [again&again], the free make up @ Harvey Nichols and Harrods(Knightsbridge) or Mark & Spencer in Oxford Street or Benefit Cosmetics, long coffee in Hyde Park, Soho at night, squirrels.
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